Relationships are connection between persons. We share a relationship with our family, with friends and most important of all we share a relationship with God. Relationships can be personal, impersonal, close or distant. A personal relationship would be a relationship on your own personal time. An impersonal relationship would be a relationship with the public. A close relationship would be someone who lives close to you or a family member. A distant relationship would be a relationship you share with someone who you know who lives far away from you and you can only talk to them on the phone or through Internet.
At birth, we experience our first relationship with our mother and as we grow up we will have a whole web of relationships. In human life, relationships are very important for human survival and development. A beautiful union exists between 3 relationships: a relationship with others, a relationship with oneself and a relationship with God, our father. It is clear, God created us to live in relationship with others, so why not make the best of it. When a relationship is loving and intimate we experience God through these relationships.
If a friend of mine was going on his/her first date I would give him/her advice for this date. I would advise him/her to consider these rules. First don’ speak in a rough voice. Your language is really important so your date won’t get upset and slap you across the face. Next, know
where to draw the line and respect your date. Don’t get ‘physical’ on your first date. Make sure you take your date in a public place where a lot of people are there. Don’t take your date to a private room or closed places. Ask your date questions about her/his life and joke around a bit. Make sure you have money to cover expenses of a movie or something that you
purchased in the mall. And do not ask your date to pay for it. You should let your date meet
your parents when you are comfortable. Don’t force your date to see your parents. And that’s about it. This is all I would tell my friend.
In conclusion, relationships are very important. Without human relationships a person can’t go through life. A person needs to communicate with someone. The only reason God created Eve for Adam is because Adam was lonely. Loneliness can kill a person. And these are the reasons why relationships are important.
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