A Powerful Treasure
Looking deeply into our lives, we always include our family in our priorities. Well, not all, but most of us are like this especially the Filipinos. Wherever we may go, we can always remember the family we left in home. The love and care never changes. Maybe, some of the people carry anger in their hearts towards a member of their family but even if we tilt the world upside down, they are always our family whatever may happen. The blood you shared within one another cannot be exchanged with other types of blood. Also, the bond that you made through the years cannot be erased and cannot be compared with your other experiences as you go along the way.
Family has been our guidance and strength in every thing we do. The inspiration they give us daily served to be our endurance for us not to give up and for us to continue on living. The essay was so good for me, in fact, it touched my heart. The girl did not expect that her brother will give her a gift because, every Christmas, her brother always gives his wife a gift that maybe he forgot to buy a present for her. But at that particular moment, she was astonished, mixed with a little strange happiness in her heart. As her brother picks up the large box, labeled with the name of his wife and as he was going to give it to her (wife), he suddenly stopped and said that the box was mislabeled. The gift was for her and she did not expect it. I think that time; she realizes that her brother never forgot her through their times.
From this, one can think that family is really a gift given to us by the Supreme Being. He gave us a family for us to have people who will love and care for us. So, we should be thankful for this and we should feel overwhelmed that the gift He gave us is unchangeable and very powerful and most of all, a gift that served to be as a treasure that cannot be bought by money and luxuries.
Family is always there whatever may happen and we should always remember that without the presence of our family, we would not be here.
Emelliene E. Acosta :D
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