Relationships are connection between persons. We share a relationship with our family, with friends and most important of all we share a relationship with God. Relationships can be personal, impersonal, close or distant. A personal relationship would be a relationship on your own personal time. An impersonal relationship would be a relationship with the public. A close relationship would be someone who lives close to you or a family member. A distant relationship would be a relationship you share with someone who you know who lives far away from you and you can only talk to them on the phone or through Internet.
At birth, we experience our first relationship with our mother and as we grow up we will have a whole web of relationships. In human life, relationships are very important for human survival and development. A beautiful union exists between 3 relationships: a relationship with others, a relationship with oneself and a relationship with God, our father. It is clear, God created us to live in relationship with others, so why not make the best of it. When a relationship is loving and intimate we experience God through these relationships.
If a friend of mine was going on his/her first date I would give him/her advice for this date. I would advise him/her to consider these rules. First don’ speak in a rough voice. Your language is really important so your date won’t get upset and slap you across the face. Next, know
where to draw the line and respect your date. Don’t get ‘physical’ on your first date. Make sure you take your date in a public place where a lot of people are there. Don’t take your date to a private room or closed places. Ask your date questions about her/his life and joke around a bit. Make sure you have money to cover expenses of a movie or something that you
purchased in the mall. And do not ask your date to pay for it. You should let your date meet
your parents when you are comfortable. Don’t force your date to see your parents. And that’s about it. This is all I would tell my friend.
In conclusion, relationships are very important. Without human relationships a person can’t go through life. A person needs to communicate with someone. The only reason God created Eve for Adam is because Adam was lonely. Loneliness can kill a person. And these are the reasons why relationships are important.
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Pinoy Youth's Preference for KPOP (Korean Pop) music: How does it affect their taste for OPM (Original Pilipino Music)?

kpop craze
Friday, October 8, 2010
Falling In Love
by Vanessa Grixti
Love, Love, Love. Such a small word, paired with such a vital meaning. I'm only fifteen, I haven't a clue as to what love is, let alone what falling in love is, however I have my idea of it. I have witnessed the beauty of people falling in love, and the severity of those falling out of love. Love as a whole is frightening, some run from it; they put up walls so that way people cannot enter their hearts. Others are drawn in; they offer their heart on a silver platter hoping no one dares to break it.
From my mere observations, I've come to notice that people sometimes try so desperately hard to fall in love, they manage to fool themselves into thinking it's genuine. I think falling in love with someone happens when you least expect it to, when you're too busy focusing on another aspect of your life. This is where fate comes into play. That specific person was led to you for some unknown reason. After encountering grief from love, the hope we once had has been robbed from our hearts. We sway ourselves to believe that we're incapable of loving again. How could I ever hand my trust to someone? The truth is, you will love again, and you will also trust again. You have to simply let things get themselves done, that's when you know it's meant to be, because destiny took it's course, and while you were too busy doing something else, the love of your life came along.
Love dates way back to when the world began, in reality we really have no idea what love truly is. Raising questions like, is it even real? We watch love movies, read romance novels, but that's the sugar-coated, sweet and simple version of it. Meet someone, fall in love, get married, have kids, spend the rest of your lives together. What about the suffering we have to endure when falling in love? Risking everything for that one person? And even when we feel we've reached the end of the road, this person has the power to leave us at any given moment. We put ourselves out there with the chance they can break us apart. Be cautious when falling in love, keep your guard up, and stand your ground. Your giving someone your life, you're relying on them for LOVE.
My advice to whoever reads this, there's something you have to realize. Not everything will turn out as planned, not everyone will remain in your life. People walk out for different reasons; it may be against their will, or in their favour. Sometimes pain is the only thing we truly learn from. We all wage wars against ourselves and the people around us, without noticing that we're the ones who are losing. There's no real way of letting go. You can't let go of your past, you can't let go of the trials in which made you who you are today. And as much as we may convince ourselves that we've forgotten about how things used to be, we would give anything to get back what we've lost in the past. We have to wake up in the morning, stare ourselves in the face and hope to be content with who's looking right back at you.
Source Site:
Love, Love, Love. Such a small word, paired with such a vital meaning. I'm only fifteen, I haven't a clue as to what love is, let alone what falling in love is, however I have my idea of it. I have witnessed the beauty of people falling in love, and the severity of those falling out of love. Love as a whole is frightening, some run from it; they put up walls so that way people cannot enter their hearts. Others are drawn in; they offer their heart on a silver platter hoping no one dares to break it.
From my mere observations, I've come to notice that people sometimes try so desperately hard to fall in love, they manage to fool themselves into thinking it's genuine. I think falling in love with someone happens when you least expect it to, when you're too busy focusing on another aspect of your life. This is where fate comes into play. That specific person was led to you for some unknown reason. After encountering grief from love, the hope we once had has been robbed from our hearts. We sway ourselves to believe that we're incapable of loving again. How could I ever hand my trust to someone? The truth is, you will love again, and you will also trust again. You have to simply let things get themselves done, that's when you know it's meant to be, because destiny took it's course, and while you were too busy doing something else, the love of your life came along.
Love dates way back to when the world began, in reality we really have no idea what love truly is. Raising questions like, is it even real? We watch love movies, read romance novels, but that's the sugar-coated, sweet and simple version of it. Meet someone, fall in love, get married, have kids, spend the rest of your lives together. What about the suffering we have to endure when falling in love? Risking everything for that one person? And even when we feel we've reached the end of the road, this person has the power to leave us at any given moment. We put ourselves out there with the chance they can break us apart. Be cautious when falling in love, keep your guard up, and stand your ground. Your giving someone your life, you're relying on them for LOVE.
My advice to whoever reads this, there's something you have to realize. Not everything will turn out as planned, not everyone will remain in your life. People walk out for different reasons; it may be against their will, or in their favour. Sometimes pain is the only thing we truly learn from. We all wage wars against ourselves and the people around us, without noticing that we're the ones who are losing. There's no real way of letting go. You can't let go of your past, you can't let go of the trials in which made you who you are today. And as much as we may convince ourselves that we've forgotten about how things used to be, we would give anything to get back what we've lost in the past. We have to wake up in the morning, stare ourselves in the face and hope to be content with who's looking right back at you.
Source Site:
Family Memories: The Box
by Judy Joyce
Whenever I managed to come the 2500 miles home from college for the holidays, it was always a mixed blessing. This Christmas would be different, though. My older brother would also be back in town having driven almost 800 miles to bring his wife and children along. Come to think of it, it's odd that either my brother or myself would look forward to this year's family ritual. After all, getting as far as we could from the constant bickering and all out wars between our parents was one of the reasons we'd both left town.
I always felt safe when my brother was there. He stood strong between my folks if Dad went into one of his rage-aholic episodes. My brother, Jim, was what some would consider a "little" guy. No matter how upright he might stand, he was only 5' 11" tall. To me, he was a giant of a man.
At our family home the holidays were always touch and go.There now were other complications to add to the usual list of woes. I'd met the love of my life away at school. My longtime boyfriend was here in the city. I felt as if I was on a tight rope.
I remember quite clearly how guilt-ridden I felt. My brother had filled me in on a secret financial episode that assaulted my parents earlier in the year. Without me knowing any of this, their gas and electricity had been turned off so they could pay my tuition. I'd always believed that me covering my room and board with my job had kept the money issue at bay for them. Apparently, I was wrong. That would explain why Mom and Dad made it so very clear to me that my plane fare home this year would have to be my Christmas present. If only they knew how much I wanted to still be out on the West Coast.
No matter what, I'd have to find a way to let both my old boyfriend and my folks know how smitten I was with someone else. Already, it had entered my head I might never return back to live in this city again. As it turned out, my problem was solved for me unexpectedly. As we gathered to open our gifts, it was clear the kind of dire financial straights my family was in. Where we often had gifts three and four deep, this year it was one or two each at most. None for me of course. I'd had fun looking at what was under the tree though. We'd all remarked how curious we were about the gift from my brother to my sister-in-law. He was doing well in his job. Each year since they'd met, her gift from him was the most extravagant of all. That gift was always saved for last. This would be fun afterall.
Dinner finished on time and we gathered around. To my surprise, Mom and Dad wanted to show my brother some picts I'd sent home while I was gone. I got to explain them all. Too bad my new darling was on none of them. The best they could produce were my pictures from a college formal I went to in San Francisco with a guy I considered my friend. Luke was from Idaho. The thing that I got grilled about the most was all those clothes I'd had to borrow to get myself to that Junior Class ball. If it wasn't for the generosity of friends in the dorms and a complete stranger I barely knew, I wouldn't have been able to pull it off. That was what my family enjoyed the most. The pictures of me with new friends. They wanted me to tell about how the most attractive thing I wore had come from the stranger. Her name was Kim. She was very well-to-do. She had many many fashion items in her closet in San Francisco. She was visiting at our dorms when the girls were all abuzz about dressing me up Cinderella style. She added her two cents worth to our discussions and eventually persuaded me to use an exclusive designer evening wrap of hers. I was the belle of the ball! This seemed to tickle my parents the most. My brother seemed proud too. I remember feeling a warmth in that living room that was rare for us when enjoying an evening where liquor was involved. This night, no bottles were to be found.
A brief pass around of the few gifts we had wrapped brought us to the moment we'd been waiting for. My brother repeated his usual ritual of going last. He got up, walked slowly to the tree and picked up the large beautifully wrapped box that had his wife's name on it. We all held our breath with excitement that only a scant holiday can provide anyone. As he turned to toss that beautiful box to his wife, he stopped dead still.
Jim announced there seemed to have been a mistake. The mistake seemed to be that the box was mismarked. This box was for his sister. I can see it still, leaving his hands from across the living room and in very slow motion coming clear across the room. Believing there must be a mistake in what he meant, I called out "No, Jim. No presents for me this year. I flew home....." I said. " I think you'll want to open this." He said. I saw you wearing it in that picture you just showed. I think some stranger in San Francisco has another one just like it. No, sis, this is for you."
Source Site:
Whenever I managed to come the 2500 miles home from college for the holidays, it was always a mixed blessing. This Christmas would be different, though. My older brother would also be back in town having driven almost 800 miles to bring his wife and children along. Come to think of it, it's odd that either my brother or myself would look forward to this year's family ritual. After all, getting as far as we could from the constant bickering and all out wars between our parents was one of the reasons we'd both left town.
I always felt safe when my brother was there. He stood strong between my folks if Dad went into one of his rage-aholic episodes. My brother, Jim, was what some would consider a "little" guy. No matter how upright he might stand, he was only 5' 11" tall. To me, he was a giant of a man.
At our family home the holidays were always touch and go.There now were other complications to add to the usual list of woes. I'd met the love of my life away at school. My longtime boyfriend was here in the city. I felt as if I was on a tight rope.
I remember quite clearly how guilt-ridden I felt. My brother had filled me in on a secret financial episode that assaulted my parents earlier in the year. Without me knowing any of this, their gas and electricity had been turned off so they could pay my tuition. I'd always believed that me covering my room and board with my job had kept the money issue at bay for them. Apparently, I was wrong. That would explain why Mom and Dad made it so very clear to me that my plane fare home this year would have to be my Christmas present. If only they knew how much I wanted to still be out on the West Coast.
No matter what, I'd have to find a way to let both my old boyfriend and my folks know how smitten I was with someone else. Already, it had entered my head I might never return back to live in this city again. As it turned out, my problem was solved for me unexpectedly. As we gathered to open our gifts, it was clear the kind of dire financial straights my family was in. Where we often had gifts three and four deep, this year it was one or two each at most. None for me of course. I'd had fun looking at what was under the tree though. We'd all remarked how curious we were about the gift from my brother to my sister-in-law. He was doing well in his job. Each year since they'd met, her gift from him was the most extravagant of all. That gift was always saved for last. This would be fun afterall.
Dinner finished on time and we gathered around. To my surprise, Mom and Dad wanted to show my brother some picts I'd sent home while I was gone. I got to explain them all. Too bad my new darling was on none of them. The best they could produce were my pictures from a college formal I went to in San Francisco with a guy I considered my friend. Luke was from Idaho. The thing that I got grilled about the most was all those clothes I'd had to borrow to get myself to that Junior Class ball. If it wasn't for the generosity of friends in the dorms and a complete stranger I barely knew, I wouldn't have been able to pull it off. That was what my family enjoyed the most. The pictures of me with new friends. They wanted me to tell about how the most attractive thing I wore had come from the stranger. Her name was Kim. She was very well-to-do. She had many many fashion items in her closet in San Francisco. She was visiting at our dorms when the girls were all abuzz about dressing me up Cinderella style. She added her two cents worth to our discussions and eventually persuaded me to use an exclusive designer evening wrap of hers. I was the belle of the ball! This seemed to tickle my parents the most. My brother seemed proud too. I remember feeling a warmth in that living room that was rare for us when enjoying an evening where liquor was involved. This night, no bottles were to be found.
A brief pass around of the few gifts we had wrapped brought us to the moment we'd been waiting for. My brother repeated his usual ritual of going last. He got up, walked slowly to the tree and picked up the large beautifully wrapped box that had his wife's name on it. We all held our breath with excitement that only a scant holiday can provide anyone. As he turned to toss that beautiful box to his wife, he stopped dead still.
Jim announced there seemed to have been a mistake. The mistake seemed to be that the box was mismarked. This box was for his sister. I can see it still, leaving his hands from across the living room and in very slow motion coming clear across the room. Believing there must be a mistake in what he meant, I called out "No, Jim. No presents for me this year. I flew home....." I said. " I think you'll want to open this." He said. I saw you wearing it in that picture you just showed. I think some stranger in San Francisco has another one just like it. No, sis, this is for you."
Source Site:
Friendship: Lend me your Fears
“ ‘Tis within the realm of both our blessings and our incompetence to hurt another life, or love, cherish, and befriend a fool to happily lend a hand with time, ‘ere he is gone, vanished forever into the mist”.
Friends. We choose them, and sometimes they choose us, but what is to come of the future if no action is taken to perpetuate friendship?
Let us be honest. We sometimes face the unnerving possibility that we shall have no idea what to say to old friends when we find we are about to see them again, which incidents will be plucked from the past, or for that matter, what we may reasonably say long after they have disappeared. Sadly, with time and neglect, friendship, if allowed, can become a fleeting, distant memory. Why are some friendships so proudly cherished and others forgotten entirely?
Perhaps there is only one certainty. To know good friends well is to understand yourself better, for they are generous souls entwined in your life, approved by the sub-conscious to explore the similarities and complexity of your persona and physical journey.
Where else may one seek the past, but within the journals of the mind of a friend? Where do happiness, wonderful memories and just answers truly dwell? Where can fear, tragedy and sadness exist, be safely treasured and acknowledged with clarity and understanding, but within the wisdom often found in long-time friends? Do we see ourselves reflected in old photographs of our friends?
Portraits of unnamed friends, faces of many souls from the past, do exist in old photograph albums so blessed. I know each of their faces when I see them. Perhaps offering comments upon their souls and their past is paramount to raising the spectre of my own, but each photograph initiates an unequaled, unique, and treasured moment of reflection.
There were boys I grew up with, working and fishing and chasing about in summer hay fields for amusement. We went to school, played baseball and dangerously carved our initials into the trunks of swaying trees -not at the bottom, but precariously close to the top only because we were brave and foolish enough to do so. We laboured in the hot sun, collecting bales on creaking wagons, and in autumn, stood sheaves of golden-coloured oats in long, ragged and pointed rows to ripen. Chasing stubborn cattle through forests and stinging nettle-filled swamps, we discovered the value of working together, stamina and the pain of raised, burning welts. Instead of seeking medical assistance, we swam in taboo, warm, deep water of farm ponds for relief equally from the nettles, stifling mid- August heat, and evening chores.
I learned the joy and art of swimming, curiously, not splashing about up on the surface, as recommended by adults, but underwater, holding my breath, cruising along contentedly just under the surface, eyes wide open. What does the childhood revelation of swimming have to do with friendship? We found out accidentally. One of the boys slipped into deep water and almost drowned, but for the fact that most boys learn to swim. Clearly everything in life has purpose.
I discovered many years later that the same boy could not recall that incident. Should a friendship be rescinded for lack of recall or acknowledgment? He did not remember, but I never forgot diving beneath his skinny, flailing arms and standing underwater in the sticky, knee-deep bottom mud to push him, desperately choking, up to the surface and back to safety. What are friends for? We could not acknowledge that incident, we never again chanced swimming in that distinctly unfriendly new pond, and never spoke of it.
In life, boys soon discover they have far more important missions impossible assigned to them. Hormones invaded idyllic Tom Sawyer lives, creating a surprising interest in girls -who were as yet unnoticed and awkward-–but somehow friends even if unacknowledged .
One and all, collectively stamped with an era of giddy correctness, giggles and manners, the girls were wise enough to avoid swimming in the company of daring boys or in dangerous ponds. Years later, without exception, the same girls offer gentle smiles and almost inexplicable happiness upon seeing old friends at any chance meeting. We were clearly friends, and with much mutual respect, remain so.
How can those stalwart, seemingly eternal and beautiful friendships of trial and trust compare to fleeting relationships born today, where friendship might be defined by two drinks in a bar, and discarded thoughtlessly like last year’s cell phone the morning after a cheap hookup? Comparison is difficult, if impossible.
In observation, why do friendships now appear to lack depth, understanding, and fragment so easily? Has the concept of true friendship and commitment become socially abnormal, quaint, and inappropriate, or has individualism and self-importance taken it’s place?
It seems logical that nothing, including social trends or time itself, should stand in the way of friendship, but will the genuine value and social mechanism of friendship eventually disappear? In our ever-increasingly disconnected and individualistic social structure, each reader is encouraged to evaluate, refresh, and acknowledge the relationship of their own lives to those surrounding them. Comfort may be found in the fact that although friendship itself may ultimately be reduced to E-mail, denial, failed memory, or in the extreme, relegated to distant mists of the future, the intertwining of souls shall never cease.
The survival of individual friendships, families, societies, and nations –indeed, aspects of the international nature of the world itself -depend upon solid friendship and commitment in spite of incident, perceived difficulties, or fear encountered in times of horrific tragedy.
As for me, I shall continue to aspire to be a committed friend. To my treasured friends, past, present and future, lend me your fears, uncertainty, dreams and memories, and I shall help you carry them into eternity.
Source Site:
Friends. We choose them, and sometimes they choose us, but what is to come of the future if no action is taken to perpetuate friendship?
Let us be honest. We sometimes face the unnerving possibility that we shall have no idea what to say to old friends when we find we are about to see them again, which incidents will be plucked from the past, or for that matter, what we may reasonably say long after they have disappeared. Sadly, with time and neglect, friendship, if allowed, can become a fleeting, distant memory. Why are some friendships so proudly cherished and others forgotten entirely?
Perhaps there is only one certainty. To know good friends well is to understand yourself better, for they are generous souls entwined in your life, approved by the sub-conscious to explore the similarities and complexity of your persona and physical journey.
Where else may one seek the past, but within the journals of the mind of a friend? Where do happiness, wonderful memories and just answers truly dwell? Where can fear, tragedy and sadness exist, be safely treasured and acknowledged with clarity and understanding, but within the wisdom often found in long-time friends? Do we see ourselves reflected in old photographs of our friends?
Portraits of unnamed friends, faces of many souls from the past, do exist in old photograph albums so blessed. I know each of their faces when I see them. Perhaps offering comments upon their souls and their past is paramount to raising the spectre of my own, but each photograph initiates an unequaled, unique, and treasured moment of reflection.
There were boys I grew up with, working and fishing and chasing about in summer hay fields for amusement. We went to school, played baseball and dangerously carved our initials into the trunks of swaying trees -not at the bottom, but precariously close to the top only because we were brave and foolish enough to do so. We laboured in the hot sun, collecting bales on creaking wagons, and in autumn, stood sheaves of golden-coloured oats in long, ragged and pointed rows to ripen. Chasing stubborn cattle through forests and stinging nettle-filled swamps, we discovered the value of working together, stamina and the pain of raised, burning welts. Instead of seeking medical assistance, we swam in taboo, warm, deep water of farm ponds for relief equally from the nettles, stifling mid- August heat, and evening chores.
I learned the joy and art of swimming, curiously, not splashing about up on the surface, as recommended by adults, but underwater, holding my breath, cruising along contentedly just under the surface, eyes wide open. What does the childhood revelation of swimming have to do with friendship? We found out accidentally. One of the boys slipped into deep water and almost drowned, but for the fact that most boys learn to swim. Clearly everything in life has purpose.
I discovered many years later that the same boy could not recall that incident. Should a friendship be rescinded for lack of recall or acknowledgment? He did not remember, but I never forgot diving beneath his skinny, flailing arms and standing underwater in the sticky, knee-deep bottom mud to push him, desperately choking, up to the surface and back to safety. What are friends for? We could not acknowledge that incident, we never again chanced swimming in that distinctly unfriendly new pond, and never spoke of it.
In life, boys soon discover they have far more important missions impossible assigned to them. Hormones invaded idyllic Tom Sawyer lives, creating a surprising interest in girls -who were as yet unnoticed and awkward-–but somehow friends even if unacknowledged .
One and all, collectively stamped with an era of giddy correctness, giggles and manners, the girls were wise enough to avoid swimming in the company of daring boys or in dangerous ponds. Years later, without exception, the same girls offer gentle smiles and almost inexplicable happiness upon seeing old friends at any chance meeting. We were clearly friends, and with much mutual respect, remain so.
How can those stalwart, seemingly eternal and beautiful friendships of trial and trust compare to fleeting relationships born today, where friendship might be defined by two drinks in a bar, and discarded thoughtlessly like last year’s cell phone the morning after a cheap hookup? Comparison is difficult, if impossible.
In observation, why do friendships now appear to lack depth, understanding, and fragment so easily? Has the concept of true friendship and commitment become socially abnormal, quaint, and inappropriate, or has individualism and self-importance taken it’s place?
It seems logical that nothing, including social trends or time itself, should stand in the way of friendship, but will the genuine value and social mechanism of friendship eventually disappear? In our ever-increasingly disconnected and individualistic social structure, each reader is encouraged to evaluate, refresh, and acknowledge the relationship of their own lives to those surrounding them. Comfort may be found in the fact that although friendship itself may ultimately be reduced to E-mail, denial, failed memory, or in the extreme, relegated to distant mists of the future, the intertwining of souls shall never cease.
The survival of individual friendships, families, societies, and nations –indeed, aspects of the international nature of the world itself -depend upon solid friendship and commitment in spite of incident, perceived difficulties, or fear encountered in times of horrific tragedy.
As for me, I shall continue to aspire to be a committed friend. To my treasured friends, past, present and future, lend me your fears, uncertainty, dreams and memories, and I shall help you carry them into eternity.
Source Site:
An Essay Analysis about the Article Falling in Love
I, myself would like to ask the question on what love really is. I don't know what exactly love is but I can somehow tell what a person could feel when one is in love. Yes, I agree that love comes at a time when you least expect it. You can't really tell when you would exactly fall in love with someone. Most often, people fall in love with someone who are not really their dream guy/girl. Instead, they fall in love opposite of what they planned to have. Love indeed is different from the sweet movies and stories that we know, it is more complicated than that. We often neglect the fact that love is not purely happiness but it also comes with heartaches and pains. When we get hurt, we feel so low and sad. Then, we feel that we are not worthy to be loved and we are incapable of loving. I guess it is human nature that when w get hurt, we will feel that way.
I would like to agree to what is written in the article. Loving someone has reasons. We may not be able to know the reason now but sooner or later, we will find it out. I agree that we should not hurry things up. We should allow destiny to move its hands to lead us to our partners. We also have to keep in mind that when we love, we are risking our entire self thus we have to think first before we make decisions. Love indeed is very complicated and it gives us, humans so much to think about, feel and enjoy.
I would like to agree to what is written in the article. Loving someone has reasons. We may not be able to know the reason now but sooner or later, we will find it out. I agree that we should not hurry things up. We should allow destiny to move its hands to lead us to our partners. We also have to keep in mind that when we love, we are risking our entire self thus we have to think first before we make decisions. Love indeed is very complicated and it gives us, humans so much to think about, feel and enjoy.
An Essay Analysis on Family Memories: The Box
A Powerful Treasure
Looking deeply into our lives, we always include our family in our priorities. Well, not all, but most of us are like this especially the Filipinos. Wherever we may go, we can always remember the family we left in home. The love and care never changes. Maybe, some of the people carry anger in their hearts towards a member of their family but even if we tilt the world upside down, they are always our family whatever may happen. The blood you shared within one another cannot be exchanged with other types of blood. Also, the bond that you made through the years cannot be erased and cannot be compared with your other experiences as you go along the way.
Family has been our guidance and strength in every thing we do. The inspiration they give us daily served to be our endurance for us not to give up and for us to continue on living. The essay was so good for me, in fact, it touched my heart. The girl did not expect that her brother will give her a gift because, every Christmas, her brother always gives his wife a gift that maybe he forgot to buy a present for her. But at that particular moment, she was astonished, mixed with a little strange happiness in her heart. As her brother picks up the large box, labeled with the name of his wife and as he was going to give it to her (wife), he suddenly stopped and said that the box was mislabeled. The gift was for her and she did not expect it. I think that time; she realizes that her brother never forgot her through their times.
From this, one can think that family is really a gift given to us by the Supreme Being. He gave us a family for us to have people who will love and care for us. So, we should be thankful for this and we should feel overwhelmed that the gift He gave us is unchangeable and very powerful and most of all, a gift that served to be as a treasure that cannot be bought by money and luxuries.
Family is always there whatever may happen and we should always remember that without the presence of our family, we would not be here.
Emelliene E. Acosta :D
Looking deeply into our lives, we always include our family in our priorities. Well, not all, but most of us are like this especially the Filipinos. Wherever we may go, we can always remember the family we left in home. The love and care never changes. Maybe, some of the people carry anger in their hearts towards a member of their family but even if we tilt the world upside down, they are always our family whatever may happen. The blood you shared within one another cannot be exchanged with other types of blood. Also, the bond that you made through the years cannot be erased and cannot be compared with your other experiences as you go along the way.
Family has been our guidance and strength in every thing we do. The inspiration they give us daily served to be our endurance for us not to give up and for us to continue on living. The essay was so good for me, in fact, it touched my heart. The girl did not expect that her brother will give her a gift because, every Christmas, her brother always gives his wife a gift that maybe he forgot to buy a present for her. But at that particular moment, she was astonished, mixed with a little strange happiness in her heart. As her brother picks up the large box, labeled with the name of his wife and as he was going to give it to her (wife), he suddenly stopped and said that the box was mislabeled. The gift was for her and she did not expect it. I think that time; she realizes that her brother never forgot her through their times.
From this, one can think that family is really a gift given to us by the Supreme Being. He gave us a family for us to have people who will love and care for us. So, we should be thankful for this and we should feel overwhelmed that the gift He gave us is unchangeable and very powerful and most of all, a gift that served to be as a treasure that cannot be bought by money and luxuries.
Family is always there whatever may happen and we should always remember that without the presence of our family, we would not be here.
Emelliene E. Acosta :D
An Essay Analysis about Friendship: Lend Me your Fears
" No man is an island that stands alone", often heard and uttered by almost all people around us. This reflects the reality that human beings in nature, we tend to mingle and get socialized with others for existence. We need companions and friends to be with us in times of laughter, troubles, sadness, loneliness, emptiness and even in success. We develop new friendship wherever and whenever we go but one thing is for sure, we will cherish and we will not forget our old friends but instead we establish a bigger circle of friends. In the essay, we can see that we unconsciously choose circle of friends and buddies because there are barriers of differences between us. But we can really break this differences by making it as an inspiration not to withdraw friendship but to strengthen it instead.
Friendship is one of the human relationship we really establish either we mean it or not. In friendship, there is a physical and emotional attachment to each other and when we will be apart from each other we will really ponder and cherish the moments when we are with them. With this kind of relationship, we can feel acceptance and security in times of great frustrations and despairs because when we have real friends we can turn to them when the world seems to be cruel to us. We can consider them as our main defense and our crying shoulder in good and bad times. We will not focus on their faults but instead we correct them in a nice manner and they are our second family, sisters and brothers even time seems to limit us and as even distance prohibits us.As friendship stays in our hearts even there is a great distance, we keep in touch to them and seeks time to listen and share wonderful thoughts to them.Even how heavy and hard our burdens are, with circle of friends everything seems to be fine and manageable. But we cannot consider all friendships as real and true, we cannot deny that there are some fake friends. They are your friends when everything seems to be alright but when times call for their help, they leave you suffering. But one thing is really great about friendships. It stays in our hearts and at the same time we learn lessons and values from each different personalities we encounter. Friends make warm days fine and cool and they also gives spice for us to know the real meaning of life.Moreover they are like stars that brighten our dark some nights,our blanket when we feel cold, our handkerchief when we are in tears and our voice when we can hardly speak.
By: Ma. Charissa Antig
Friendship is one of the human relationship we really establish either we mean it or not. In friendship, there is a physical and emotional attachment to each other and when we will be apart from each other we will really ponder and cherish the moments when we are with them. With this kind of relationship, we can feel acceptance and security in times of great frustrations and despairs because when we have real friends we can turn to them when the world seems to be cruel to us. We can consider them as our main defense and our crying shoulder in good and bad times. We will not focus on their faults but instead we correct them in a nice manner and they are our second family, sisters and brothers even time seems to limit us and as even distance prohibits us.As friendship stays in our hearts even there is a great distance, we keep in touch to them and seeks time to listen and share wonderful thoughts to them.Even how heavy and hard our burdens are, with circle of friends everything seems to be fine and manageable. But we cannot consider all friendships as real and true, we cannot deny that there are some fake friends. They are your friends when everything seems to be alright but when times call for their help, they leave you suffering. But one thing is really great about friendships. It stays in our hearts and at the same time we learn lessons and values from each different personalities we encounter. Friends make warm days fine and cool and they also gives spice for us to know the real meaning of life.Moreover they are like stars that brighten our dark some nights,our blanket when we feel cold, our handkerchief when we are in tears and our voice when we can hardly speak.
By: Ma. Charissa Antig
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